Tuesday 8 February 2011

Planning - Sketching Mock-Ups

Here I have drawn mockups of each page so that I can plan ahead and properly make sense of each page and their layouts and how they should work. Using my research for inspiration, I have created pages that follow the current conventions that are commonly used for magazine covers - conventions that have proven to be effective time and time again and always work to appropriately attract audiences and sustain interest in the magazine by being consistent and pleasant to look at. 

The title page follows conventions as it features the magazine title in a large font that is easy for viewers to read and relate with and spot in future if they ever want to look for the magazine in stores. A popular choice for covers is to have a main portrait direct-address shot of an artist, maybe even slightly covering up the magazine title to make them pop out more than usual. I have also included an artist quote and further information such as feature articles and straplines. 

In addition, the contents page follows conventions by having more popular featured articles highlighted to the viewer using photos, the photos being smaller the less important the article is, finally having any left over feature articles listed to the right. Furthermore, I included on the layout a listing of 'Monthly Articles' - articles that will always be in the magazine for repeat visitors to look at. 

Lastly, the feature article will include a dominant portrait picture or perhaps a band shoot of models to the left to make obvious what the article is about. Other common conventions such as quotes from the article and further imagery are present too in the mockup, which again are what people want to see and expect from magazines. 

Thursday 3 February 2011

Planning - Planning Photo-Shoots

For my photo-shoot I want to photograph a more challenging and different scenario than what is to be expected. I will achieve this by using as a prop a 'ukulele' instrument and I can then use this as a basis around the creation of the rest of my magazine. The sound produced by a ukulele is unique and different to what people are used to and this ties in with my audience who want to experience and read about new things. 

Costuming will probably be your basic hoody/t-shirt that is somewhat presentable but not too challenging that viewers are put off. Seeing as I am targeting my magazine at mainstreamers looking for something new, it is important to not challenge people too much so as to gradually introduce them to something new. 

The most common mode of shooting in Magazines seems to be a straight-on eye-level direct address photo of the model so I will use this as it has been proven to be effective. Lighting used would be 'continuos' lighting which can consist of primarily light being shone straight at the model and then additional lights to fill in any shadows to make them less harsh and presentable so that you can actually see the model in question. 

The location isn't strictly important as I intend to cut the model out of the picture and have a white background photoshopped into the picture. I can, however, take a picture in a studio to make this process considerably easier. 

Wednesday 2 February 2011

Planning - Mood Board

My mood board aims to combine different band imagery in an overall effective composition including different colours, fonts and styles such as drop shadows, strokes and brushes. Observing the imagery you notice that most band photos are surprisingly similar, with a direct mode of address being used in them and sometimes the band members being formed in a sort of hierarchy with the lead singer in the front, for example (or in the middle of the photo). 

Tuesday 1 February 2011

Planning - Equipment

Equipment I will use for the photo-shoots and for creating the magazine to eventually create an end product. 

Photoshop - for editing captured photos (fixing colours and tones with levels/curves/brightness&contrast/colour balance) and putting together more complex elements of the magazine.

Indesign - for creating and editing a layout that follows industry magazine standards such as the sizes of columns, font sizes and such that people expect in a magazine. Indesign allows for consistency in my product and will help create a convincing magazine. 

iMac/PC - machines loaded with the appropriate software as outlined above. 

Canon EOS 500D - Camera body which can take high resolution pictures for big printouts on A4 magazine prints with minimal noise and loss of quality. 

50mm f/1.8 lens - Can be used for portraits. Is an effective choice for photographing just the one person as it allows for shallow depth of field (so as to bring attention to the subject) and framing the subject easily (50mm) is a recommended focal length to use for portraits. 

Tripod - For stability if needed in my photos. 

USB cables/SD cards - For transfer of photos and storage of media such as photos.

Web Browser - can be used for research and gathering information for my magazine, searching for tutorials for using Photoshop and InDesign, etc, to further my knowledge to help make my magazine as effective as possible.