Tuesday 8 February 2011

Planning - Sketching Mock-Ups

Here I have drawn mockups of each page so that I can plan ahead and properly make sense of each page and their layouts and how they should work. Using my research for inspiration, I have created pages that follow the current conventions that are commonly used for magazine covers - conventions that have proven to be effective time and time again and always work to appropriately attract audiences and sustain interest in the magazine by being consistent and pleasant to look at. 

The title page follows conventions as it features the magazine title in a large font that is easy for viewers to read and relate with and spot in future if they ever want to look for the magazine in stores. A popular choice for covers is to have a main portrait direct-address shot of an artist, maybe even slightly covering up the magazine title to make them pop out more than usual. I have also included an artist quote and further information such as feature articles and straplines. 

In addition, the contents page follows conventions by having more popular featured articles highlighted to the viewer using photos, the photos being smaller the less important the article is, finally having any left over feature articles listed to the right. Furthermore, I included on the layout a listing of 'Monthly Articles' - articles that will always be in the magazine for repeat visitors to look at. 

Lastly, the feature article will include a dominant portrait picture or perhaps a band shoot of models to the left to make obvious what the article is about. Other common conventions such as quotes from the article and further imagery are present too in the mockup, which again are what people want to see and expect from magazines. 

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