Thursday 3 February 2011

Planning - Planning Photo-Shoots

For my photo-shoot I want to photograph a more challenging and different scenario than what is to be expected. I will achieve this by using as a prop a 'ukulele' instrument and I can then use this as a basis around the creation of the rest of my magazine. The sound produced by a ukulele is unique and different to what people are used to and this ties in with my audience who want to experience and read about new things. 

Costuming will probably be your basic hoody/t-shirt that is somewhat presentable but not too challenging that viewers are put off. Seeing as I am targeting my magazine at mainstreamers looking for something new, it is important to not challenge people too much so as to gradually introduce them to something new. 

The most common mode of shooting in Magazines seems to be a straight-on eye-level direct address photo of the model so I will use this as it has been proven to be effective. Lighting used would be 'continuos' lighting which can consist of primarily light being shone straight at the model and then additional lights to fill in any shadows to make them less harsh and presentable so that you can actually see the model in question. 

The location isn't strictly important as I intend to cut the model out of the picture and have a white background photoshopped into the picture. I can, however, take a picture in a studio to make this process considerably easier. 

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