Monday 17 January 2011

Research Task - Initial Ideas

For my magazine project, I intend to create a front page, contents page and a feature article double page spread. Using research I will determine how to most effectively target my intended audience using my chosen music genre of indie/rock that targets people looking for fresh new music that is different from the mainstream music people are generally accustomed to listening to. 

I will work out what my intended target audience expect to hear from artists and in the media elements included in the magazine (pictures, graphics, headings etc), which basically means how they expect bands to be represented in magazines and what they want to read about. I will additionally research the institutions used to circulate and distribute magazines and work out where magazines are in demand and why, their numbers, etc... and apply all his researched knowledge into the production of my magazine, backing it up by applying this knowledge and annotating existing magazine covers. 

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