Monday 31 January 2011

Research Task - Questionnaire Results

From these results it is possible to determine that people's tastes do indeed line up with my Magazine's unique selling point. While the 'pop' genre is a very prominent genre in the charts, the more lesser popular genres such as Rock, R&B and Indie interest many people and this is what I should target with my magazine. 

In addition, people mostly prefer to read interviews and see posters, band images etc of artists in the magazines they read - so I will have overall an equal balance between the two of these elements in my magazine in light of these results. 

Further questions included "What Magazine do you buy?" with the results being: 

Kerrang! comes out on top and this is because they target and interview the bands that follow the indie, rock and r&b genres and they are successful due to this. I intend to mimic this success. 

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